Riders needed for Michigan to Atlantic Ocean ride


New member
I have a trip planned this upcoming January 24th thru February 14th. These dates are subject to change. I will be leaving from home if possible and one other individual will be leaving from Manitowoc, WI. We plan on riding out to the Atlantic Ocean and back, either via Maine or Nova Scotia. I don't know how many miles it will be, around 5,000? Were looking for one or two more individuals to ride with us. We keep it pretty tame, under 300 miles a day, no set plans, you MUST be able to ride in -30 to -40 and ride all day in these conditions. Is anyone interested? It would be highly preferred if you were riding a Yamaha.


Well-known member
I have the time and the money, but I drive a Polaris. I could leave from Sheboygan.. If the other riders could be seen.. driving with a non yamaha sled.


New member
My brothers tried it about 3 years ago, but they tried through Labrador. Do not take that route. Stay farther south. They ran out of trail before getting to Labrador.

It is farther than it appears.


New member
Just wanted to bump this and see if there was any interest. I just bought my Canadian trail passes and thought I would post a reminder.