Riding gear you recommend John?


New member
Hi john,
Since you are the main man in snowmobiling here in the upper midwest, I thought I would ask you! Im in the market for a new jacket and goggles, just curious on your opinions? I have been refered to Klim gear saying that it is the best so im taking a look into that. I have always used Castle X apperal and havent had any problems with that yet. So just talking all aspects into consideration such as warmth, light weight, waterproof and not horribly expensive LOL. Any other input would be much appreciated, along with goggles if you have any knowledge on them.

Thanks very much!


Well, opinions will differ as to what is the best, but I prefer Klim. The thing about Klim is that is is more than just a jacket and bibs, it is a system. You layer underneath the jacket and bibs and the system works best if you use all synthetics like polyproplene for a base layer and then things like fleece or other synthetics as the mid layer. Klim does make all of the different pieces for the different layers, but you can also get things like the garments for the base layer and mid layer at any outdoor store and even sometimes the big discount stores have them.

The thing about the Klim gear/system is that it keeps you from building up sweat inside your gear. So if you are an aggressive rider, you stay WAY more comfortable.

One last thing. In my experience, Gortex is the only waterproof material out there. Others make claims and try, but fail after a certain amount of usage.



New member
If you don't want horribly expensive stay away from Klim. You can drop a ton of dough on that stuff.

Like the saying goes, if it ain't broke don't try to fix it. If the Castle X has always worked and never given you a problem why switch?

As far a goggles go, Castle actually has come out with a new goggle that is snowmobile specific. Very nice extended face foam and a silicone strap all for around $35. You can spend more on others, but these work great. I rode with them last year.