Riding in the UP???

ski-doo man

New member
Is there any ridable conditions in the UP right now? My brother and I would like to come up for 2 days for some early season riding. Any input would be great! Thanks.
I talked with family in Calumet - not looking very good. But then again, I've seen people riding in stuff that I wouldn't even think of riding in. Mild temps and no significant base currently.


Staff member
No riding anywhere, even spots that were able to be ridden in last week.

Areas from around Mass City north to Copper Harbor will need about 5-6" to bring conditions up to poor and 9-12" to make them OK. We could see 2-4" in the next 24 hours or so. Rest of the UP is pretty much snow free or has very minimal coverage.



Well-known member
Not worth the gamble right now. It's been too wet (rain) & too mild. We are basically at the starting gate again. Be patient (I should talk), it will get better & hopefully soon. My patience is running as thin as the snow cover.-Mezz