Riding Some climbs in the trees all day Saturday the 29th toivola area! Coming?



maybe me and a bud can take you up on the offer, I'd love to ride that area, never really have


Well-known member
I don't think the snow is any good in the woods in the Toivola area!
It much deeper and soft north of the bridge!

Scottiking OUT


New member
I beg to differ. I live outside of calumet and it sucks here. Rode there today still soft and no tracks. PM me please


New member
I will be at the Konteka Friday and Saturday with my girlfriend, we will both be on short tracks but are capable riders. This will be her first trip to the Yoop and would love to hook up with you guys to show her how you guys do it in the Yoop! Not looking for serious off-trail but want her to see some back country and watch some of you Crazy Yoopers ride in that stuff..lol