Riding with the grand daughters.


Looking to buy a harness to hold the grand daughters on the snowmobile while riding with me. Does anyone have a good one they have used? If your kids have outgrown it please let me know. I would be interested in buying it from you. Looking for two of them. Thanks!

old abe

Well-known member
Yes, we have several different harnesses. We like the "Katahdin Kid Karrier" the best. Not sure what the other brand is, no tag on it. I believe she got the "Katahdin" online @ WalMart. We have bought different items of the Katahdin brand in the past, and it is always good quality products. I have seen them several places. Sorry, but they are still in use.

old abe

Well-known member
Wiscon1; There is no better enjoyment in riding than with those grandchildren!!!!!!!!! That is what it is all about! Be safe always!!!


Active member
Wiscon1; There is no better enjoyment in riding than with those grandchildren!!!!!!!!! That is what it is all about! Be safe always!!!

All my kids are saying they don't want kids. Guess that means I'll never have that enjoyment. Really bums me out. Even out of the 3 kids, only 1 rides my youngest (adult 22 now) daughter.

old abe

Well-known member
sweeperguy I really, really, feel for you. Perhaps, you may have a "surprise" happen. We are waiting (hoping) for another grandchild also. We only have the one son, so we are some what limited there. Our whole family really enjoys the winter season, and all enjoy riding so much!!!!!! It's so much better as a family!


Well-known member
All my kids are saying they don't want kids. Guess that means I'll never have that enjoyment. Really bums me out. Even out of the 3 kids, only 1 rides my youngest (adult 22 now) daughter.
Hang in there sweeperguy. We thought the same thing 4 years ago and now have the 4th grandchild on the way.

When my kids were young they rode in front of me or my wife. If the worse happened, I'm not sure if I'd want the child harnessed to me.

old abe

Well-known member
Those were my thoughts also snowbuilder. But I now think the harness, that can be used in front, or back of you depending on the child's size is a safer way to ride. You have both hands free for the handle bar, no matter what is going on. Just my own thought's. We did not have one for our son as he rode with us starting at 2 years old. He did get a broken arm riding with me, and I have never forgot that. He liked to ride so much as he did not let us know he was hurting.


All my kids are saying they don't want kids. Guess that means I'll never have that enjoyment. Really bums me out. Even out of the 3 kids, only 1 rides my youngest (adult 22 now) daughter.

That's what all our kids said. We now have four grandkids. And our youngest son and DIL, who said they would never, ever, EVER have kids, has a Christmas baby boy on the way. :) Our Kitty Cat and single cylinder vintage sleds get a workout around the house whenever they come over. However, reminiscing horror stories of near misses while they were growing up, none of our kids have any intentions of ever letting their kids ride out on the trails with the Rickys. :(


Active member
That's what all our kids said. We now have four grandkids. And our youngest son and DIL, who said they would never, ever, EVER have kids, has a Christmas baby boy on the way. :) Our Kitty Cat and single cylinder vintage sleds get a workout around the house whenever they come over. However, reminiscing horror stories of near misses while they were growing up, none of our kids have any intentions of ever letting their kids ride out on the trails with the Rickys. :(

That's great news (Christmas baby) my birthday is Christmas day also.
I really appreciate yours and everyone else's (snobuilder, old abe,) words of hope. Here's to hoping for a "suprise" the wife would be thrilled about it too.

old abe

Well-known member
I have a fleet of our older, lower powered, sleds just waiting for grand children. It doesn't matter how many (hoping). We got it covered!!!!!!!!!


My favorite video for anyone who has raised girls, or has granddaughters. "Ahhhhh! La la la! Daddy I want some hot chocolate!"



Well-known member
Abe, if you can swing it you might want to consider a Snowcoach or something similar. We tried the harness route with our granddaughter, sitting in front of my wife. It made maneuvering a little more difficult but the biggest problem was the kid would fall asleep, and her head would flop over and hit the kill switch. Not a good scenario. At the time, she wasn't old enough that we were comfortable harnessing her behind the wife. We were lucky enough to find a used Snowcoach on craigslist. The kiddies love it.