Rip around Lake Superior


New member
Anybody ever done it on here I know it's been done .It's something I always wanted to do I know the obvisious Lots of money 2 nice sleds (one for a spare) chase vehicle and the right snow condition.Ive heard of a guy doing it in 10 days.What I don't know is there a trail system that crosses the border on both ends of the lake or do I have to trailer them across.This other guy and I been talking about this for about 3 years now.Just kinda a crazy thought of mine but if my 75 year old father in law can ride to alaska from west virginia and back every year on a dual sport bike I think I could go around the lake once.We're thinking giving ourselves 20 day time span to do it.That give us a few days of rest when we need it.Trust me we'll need it.Not gonna do it this year we're thinking like in the next 5 years.Just have no idea how to plan for it.


New member
I've got a couple friends that have done it 3 times. They start out in Mercer,and return to Mercer 8 days and approx 2000 mi later. No support vehicles/spare sleds just a small group of 3 to 4 sleds. If they have a machine go down they drag it to the next town,and at that point if the sled is repairable they'll leave the guy behind (sometimes with another guy from the group)and it's the responsibility of the "riders left behind" to catch up to the group.On year a guy blew a track,but he caught up in a couple days.They found a spot near the Soo to cross the border without waiting to be hauled across.They researched the idea for a couple years before they did it,as there was an issue regarding a long stretch without a fuel stop after crossing the border. As a result they installed luggage racks and carried extra fuel.The one year i planned to go with them there wasn't enough snow in minnesota to finish the loop. Definately HARDCORE SLEDDERS.......
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Active member
Hardcore riders is an understatement. I'm impressed. 250 miles per day on trails that are likely not always in the greatest condition. Wow. I gotta say, it's nice to hear we still have a few cowboys left. :)
Did it last year, 11 days. We had snow, rain, 70 mile per hour winds for a little over one day, 55 degrees, 35 below zero, groomed trails, no trails, closed trails. When we crossed Gunflint Lake we had 6 inches of water and slush. Over 1350 miles on sleds, 450 miles on trailers.

This year the trail from Wawa to Searchmont is closed because Half Way Haven is closed therefore no gas you must carry enough to make it. Trails are closed near Nipigon.

For a complete report on the trip we posted it on The Circle Tour Club @ Lake, date completed Feb. 24, 2011