River Effect Snow???


Ever heard or seen it? I did, TODAY! I live in Monticello MN, about a block off of the Mississippi River. We have the "luxury" of having a fine Xcel Energy Nuclear plant upstream from the city. The plant keeps the river water at a balmy 40 to 50 degrees during the winter in town. So, today, I wake up, and there is this light snow falling. Cool. I drive 1 mile up the road..... no snow. I look back, and there is this hanging low cloud coming off the river, right over my neighborhood! Was pretty sweet. Now, it only caused a dusting on the sled, but was still something I never thought could happen.

Thanks for the site and everything you do. I love it!



I have actually seen snow fall from the steam produced by the power plant in Wausau WI. Like you said, it was very localized, but it was snow.

I guess you could call it power plant effect snow.
