Rochester mn


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anyone have info on trail conditions in the Rochester/ Winona MN area Thinking about riding there this weekend if the trails are OK


New member
I live between Winona and Roch. The trails look pretty good. About an inch of new snow last night. I will check on my way home today to see if any grooming has happened since last weekend.
I live in Winona, and have not been out yet in this area, but I have heard the trails are thin, and have not been groomed. The Winona Snow Sports club says they are open as of 1/3/16.


New member
We did decide to ride out of Winona. It's not often you drive 120 miles SOUTH to ride. We stayed at the river port hotel , very nice place. A little bit of road crossing to get out of town but not bad. The trails were really pretty good, in a few areas there could have been a little better grooming but everything was snow covered and well marked. There was a good mix of open areas, woods, and hills. The views were awesome especially from the buffs. The valleys were nice too, one trail ran alone a open stream. We rode 125 miles or so from around 9:30 am till about 4:30pm. With a more than a few breaks to just look at the views. The people were very friendly and food and drinks were very reasonable. If you've never ridden there I would say try it you'll like it.


New member
Sounds like Winona is going to get pounded on Tuesday. I have never ridden in SE MN before and plan on taking Friday off from work. Looking for ideas of where to go. Looking to day ride down from the cities.

What's a good parking lot to ride and suggested trails.

Park in holiday inn express parking lot, trail is right access the street up hwy 43, once up on the ridge go east, trails are more scenic that way. Go west trails are more field riding, of course, it all depends where the snow hits. Before the melt down, the field riding was better. Lots of options down near rushford and Houston areas too, as they are really scenic too


New member
The Trails along the river bluffs from Wabasha to Caledonia are spectacular, lots of elevation changes and views. Doing a loop going through Houston and Money Creek on the way back had more field riding, but also some other very nice wooded valleys and hills


We just did this loop two weeks ago. (we went from Miesville down to Caledonia 200 miles and spent the night) I would recommend parking at either Zumbrota or Pine Island and riding east and south. They have done a great job with their trails and seem to be on top of their grooming. If you want to ride some terrain that you never ride again head east to Wabasha then south along the river, you will find 400' elevation changes to overlook the Mississippi river valley. I'm sure the bar/grill in Zumbrota will let you park if you ask.
Everything stayed snow covered for the most part over the weekend despite the warm weather, the corners in the woods took a beating. We got about 6-8" from the storm and everything should be close to being groomed. I won't be able to ride until next week so I can't give a firsthand update. Hope this helps.