

New member
hey john i was wondering if there was a way you could make it so i didnt always have to type in my user name when i want to post something like maby have a button to click to save it? cause after ahwile it gets annoying having to type it in everytime? just wondering


New member
idk....I use firefox and it asks me if I wanna save the username and everytime i get on to johndee...its already in...



It is a browser issue, as my browser automatically fills the username and password in for me.

I am not sure what to change in your browser, perhaps someone can chime in and help.

Don't do what bschlagel told you to do about saving passwords automatically. It can get you into a heap of trouble should your computer get infected with spyware or a virus.

You can select site to set a "cookie" into your browser so that it will keep your username and password for you. It won't open any holes in your firewall (you are using a firewall, right) and it will not allow spyware from getting your passwords to anything else.

At the bottom of any Discussion Board page, find the icon that has "User Profile" under it and click it. You will be prompted to enter your user ID and password, once into your profile scroll down until you see the "Preferences" section. The first option there is "Remember my username and password" make sure the check bopx to the right of that line is checked. Now, the line below that that says "Clear the cookie when I exit my browser" <font size="+2">LEAVE THIS ONE UNCHECKED</font> or it will clear the cookie containing the username and password everytime you close your IE or Firefox window. Once you have those 2 things in order click on any "Save Changes" icon on that page and your all set.

And, yes I do understand, that the "cookie" can get hacked by someone and your info can be stolen, but it is only No offense John, but its not like it is your banking info, insurance info, or your SS# that is getting ripped off. Saving your passwords with either browser, Firefox or IE, is not a good idea. I work in the IT industry and I see it everyday how granny got her life savings ripped off because someone hacked into her computer and stole the info.
