schedule for the ride-in ??


New member
hey john,

I was wondering how the schedule for the ride-in works ?? is there an itinerary posted some where. trying to make plans to come this year but don't know what happens on friday/sat and was wondering if I can ride both days. or is it a one day thing..

hope you and the family are doing well..

Darrell Schultz


New member
after reading the info ..... just so I have this straight. the back country rides and the banquet both happen on saturday (10-4 ride) 6 pm banquet.

thanks Darrell


Super Moderator
Staff member
There usually is back country rides on Friday also, but it is a little harder to line up guides for Friday.

Can't wait, it will be a good time (again) for sure!


Staff member
There are backcountry rides both Fri and Sat.

If we do not have enough guides (has never happened yet), then a lottery system will be used.

Also if you go out on Friday and show up to ride again Sat. Those that did not ride yet, will be given first dibs.

Like I say, we have yet to turn anyone away for a backcountry ride. But just want to let you know how it works.



New member
Wayne - Wanna plan to go up Saturday and do the ride and banquet? I'm all for it and don't think there is much buy-in from the others.

Keith- I will let they other guys know. We all (4) in my group will be in for the ride, Not sure about the Banquet, I sent them an email with the info page John posted.


New member
for the backcountry ride u dont need a long track or anything right? would hope my 121 can carve threw the pow


Staff member

You should be OK with a 121. Might not be able to break trail, but as long as you can ride in others tracks in the steep and deep, you will be OK.

Just a head's up to all that anyone partaking in any part of the event, rides, banquet, etc, will need to be registered.



New member

You should be OK with a 121. Might not be able to break trail, but as long as you can ride in others tracks in the steep and deep, you will be OK.

Just a head's up to all that anyone partaking in any part of the event, rides, banquet, etc, will need to be registered.


How do we go about this registering. I missed it? Do you have a more intense ride or is this a logging road cruise? Is it different by the group I guess is my question.


New member
Found it.

Registration for the 2010 Snowfest Ride In

All persons planning to attend the event must register. This will allow us to know the number of persons attending the banquet as well as allow us to have the commemorative shirt created and ready for you at the event. The fee for the event is $50 per person. The deadline for registration is January 17th, 2009.


Registration can be done via one of two ways.
It is preferred that you use the form below or...
You can contact John Stachler at this e mail to arrange a different form of payment/pre-registration.
Select Your Event Shirt Size


Please include the following with your payment:
The full names of ALL persons being pre-registered.
Shirt Sizes for ALL persons being pre-registered. Shirt sizes are small, medium, large, XL, XXL and 3XL. (The shirt color will be white with navy lettering, except for 3XL orders, which will be gray with dark lettering.)
Please note, there will be no extra shirts available at the event, so the size you order is the size you will receive at the event.


Staff member
You can go here to register.

We do try and match up riders with the type of ride they are looking for. Anything from extreme backcountry to scenic tours through the backcountry.



New member

if you want to participate in the backcountry ride on friday, do you meet at the ramada at 930/10 am friday morning just like on saturday?

also, if you are looking for extra help working with the guides keeping groups together, I would be more than happy to help... Darrell


New member

You should be OK with a 121. Might not be able to break trail, but as long as you can ride in others tracks in the steep and deep, you will be OK.

Just a head's up to all that anyone partaking in any part of the event, rides, banquet, etc, will need to be registered.

Question for ya?
About 5 of us are coming for the ride in, including wife and step daughter(22yr old). Wife has a ton riding exp(but not backcountry) and daughter is kind of a newbie. Its it worth it for them to go on any backcountry rides? I dont wanna hold anybody up and dont feel like getting 3 people unstuck over and over again. We were just gonna send them trail riding while we aere on the BC ride.? Does a group go out for the less expiereinced???


Staff member
I'd say that they could show up at the meeting spot and if there are others that are somewhat new to the backcountry riding experience then we can group them all up.

Otherwise they might not have as much fun- stressing about holding things up.
