SDI Oil Question

I was just wondering if anyone has tried Klotz oil in their SDI's, or do you stick to the traditional Ski-Doo XPS synthetic blend?


Well-known member
Owner's manual says semi-synthetic or better. Started out mine with XPS full synthetic, switched to Amsoil Interceptor, now switched to Citgo Sea and Snow (semi-synthetic). No issues with any of them, except my wallet got progressively heavier with each change. :)


My brother and I bought '06 MXZ 600s new and had the dealer start us with AMSoil Interceptor and continue to this day. Between the two we've had over 10,000 trouble free miles (well, oil-related trouble anyway). With Amsoil prices escalating, it may be time to find that Citgo Sea n Snow, or whatever its called.