SE Wisconsin snow and trails


New member
I am in Walworth and it is hard to tall how much snow we got? I am guessing about 6" and it is still snowing hard (sideways) Anyone in my area think it will be good when the trails open and when is that? I just moved here, although weekened it in Delavan for about 10 years. Just looking for some good local info from some of you that are area veterans. I used to keep the sleds in Boulder jct, I hope I can use them down here enough to deal with the hassle of trailering for the trips up north. Yes, I do plan on joining a club this week.

Thanks in advance,


Team Elkhorn

Larry, The Walworth County trail hotline number is 262-742-2664. If the trails do open, I recommend letting the groomers do their magic first . Trails here when groomed are pretty darn good.


Well I am in Washington County up in Hartford and we got 10 inches. But the 50 mile an hour winds chucked the snow into big drifts. So some parts of the trail have minimal snow and some spots have a lot. And like the other post, "Big storm, Big problems, the Ackerville club got a groomer stuck in the swamp. We had some rain before the snow and there is two inches of slush underneath the snow. I am not sure if trails will open.


The trails in walworth cty are set to open Dec. 15 snow permitting, everything I saw from the road blew right off the trail. Rule use to be 4 to 6 in on frozen 8+ on not frozen. hope that helps. call the hotline ^