Search option in the forums??


New member
Hey John,

Any way of adding a search option to your site? Would make finding things easier, and probably eliminate people from posting the same topics. Thanks


Active member
<font color="0000ff">eagle17:
"&#0133;a search option to [this] site"</font>

Do you mean like the one shown at the bottom of this page (scroll down and look for the key icon)?


New member
Sorry did not see it. Don't have to be such a smart <font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font> about it.


Active member
<font color="0000ff">eagle17:
"1. Sorry did not see it.
2. Don't have to be such a smart ••• about it."

1. Sorry I helped you out! I will try not to make that mistake again.
2. Thank you for the courteous reminder — "No good deed goes unpunished!"


Active member
<font color="0000ff">eagle17:</font>

Just to clarify (although God knows why I bother): How was I to know whether you were aware of that search feature or not?

In my first post: <font color="0000ff">"Do you mean like the one shown at the bottom of this page &#0133;"</font>

I thought that perhaps you may have tried that search, but were seeking an alternative search method.

If that were the case I might have suggested using a Google&#153; Advanced Search, specifying as the only Domain to search, which may have some advantage over the one built into the forum software.