seasonal pattern change


Well-known member
John, I look at your maps and read your forecasts and always check your seasonal outlook as soon as it is posted as not only for recreation I need the white stuff to fall from the sky for business. And I know weather forecasts are just that a forecast and are not an exacting science, having said that your seasonal forecast as well as most all of them predicted a colder than normal year which it has been so far, and an above average snowfall for our region ( I live in S.E. Wisconsin ) Has the weather pattern changed as far as precipitation? because not only does your forecast not sound favorable for my region, neither does anyone elses, including a warming of temperatures. And another forecast for the next 30 days looks to be dry as well as far as precip. I'm sorry if I am asking the wrong question on this board, I'm not looking for a forecast was just wondering if the weather pattern has changed from what it was originally anticipated to be. Thank you


Staff member
I guess the first thing I will say is that it is still pretty early in the season. It being only January 5th still gives all of WI and the rest of the northern Midwest 2 more months of winter to make the final determination. With that said, there has been less snow than I was expecting in areas like MN and WI. Not by a huge degree, but still below expectations to the point.

I will follow that up with the thought that if a decent sized storm rolled through and brought a solid 8-12" to the southern 1/3rd to 1/2 of MN and most of WI, it would change the current perspective fairly significantly.

As far as warm ups go. It does look to get warmer next week and that is not highly unusual, even in a season when temps are below average in the overall scheme. So don't give up hope just yet, but you are right, there has been a bit less snow than was expected so far.



Well-known member
Thank You John for the response, yes You are right...probably a little to early to panic, just seems as a whole the state is suffering for snow and was just curious about your thought. Again I appreciate the response. I make it up to the U.P. for 5 days once a year and that is the extent of my riding every year and I follow your site religiously. Again Thank You and you run a GREAT website for the sport!