Secret water well in western UP near Greenland, MI?


Well-known member
Yep, we filled up water barrels from there while I was staying at a friends off the grid cabin just south of the Rousseau. Used it for making coffee, dishes and drinking.


Active member
Have drank from that hose multiple times in the 20 or so years that I've ridden past that location on the BN. When I have new people in the group and we are passing by, I stop and introduce them to some of the best tasting water ever. I was aware of the article a few years ago when the state was trying to move in and shut it down, nice to read this latest article and seems like things are turning around.

old abe

Well-known member
It seems many of you have visited the well!
Many, many thousands have, and for who knows how many years. Over 100 years it seems. We first came to know of this Lake Mine Artesian water source, well in 1979. I was really amazed with it, as can remember my grandfather told me of Artesian wells, and how they worked without any pumping. Ours, and many Sconny, irrigation pivots get their water from a aquifer that runs to where we are located, all the way down from the Western UP's (Gitche Gumee) Lake Superior. It follows between the Wisconsin, and Rock River basins. With this aquifer, our irrigation wells are some what shallow. 45', to 120' covers the most of them depending on at what dept the sand, gravel, or rock material is right for extracting, and pumping the water up and out at high volumes. Gravel is the very best material to be able to do so, and I'm very blessed with that. The static water level in my wells are 8 to 12' depending on their location. They will pull down some 20' while being pumped, and they recover in seconds. I pump between 650, and 1200 gpm. And yes the water is great to drink, but loaded with Iron.


Well-known member
Just a mile north of Alvin, WI on 55 going toward Nelma, there's water flowing from a large pipe right beside the highway. I was told it was glacier water. It is cold and very good. The locals have been filling their jugs for years.


Active member
Its just a few feet off Hwy M38 at ATV/Snowmobile trail crossing. Rode by it many times over the years, never drank from it but seen many a people filling jugs etc.


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