September 5 (2010) Journal …


Active member
Yooper hurricane names?

Eino, Helmi, Lempi, Mika, Niilo, Onni, Riika, and Toivo are okay.

Aimo and Urho, perhaps, but Aino and Urno? Nooooo, not so good, eh? (Unless you really know someone with those names.)

You want an official source, try these:

1. Finnish boys' names in alphabetical order (Suomenkieliset poikien nimet aakkosjärjestyksessä).

2. Finnish girls' names in alphabetical order (Suomenkieliset tyttöjen nimet aakkosjärjestyksessä).

You might have expected me to provide those, eh? :D

P.S.: Ol' Superior was really in a rage, eh?
I'm sure you saw Sharon Smith's report echoed here. (UPPCO claims wind gusts of 80-100 mph?)

It looks like the extended power outage in ZIP 49950 came pretty close to the Dee homestead, no? Do you have your own backup generator?


Staff member
Not sure where you saw the name "Aimo". I used Aino in the journal. Urno was a typo and has been fixed.

We had power through out the storm and I believe all of the town of Mohawk did too, but 49950 covers a lot of territory up here. It is the "central" PO for much of Keweenaw County.

I do have a backup power supply.



New member
John, I just wanted to Thank You for the pictures of the big lake. It really means a lot to those of us who cannot be near her all the time. My husband and I LOVE the U.P.(especially the Keweenaw) but it is a 12 hour drive for us so we can only get up there 2 or 3 times a year. So once again we thank you and keep up the EXCELLENT work that you do.


Active member
Not sure where you saw the name "Aimo". I used Aino in the journal. Urno was a typo and has been fixed.
I didn't see Aimo, I've just known several Aimos, and even an Eino, but never an Aino, though! :)
<hr size="2" width="75%">(Edited) Ooopsie, I was thinking masculine names, but lo and behold, Aino is indeed a feminine name (along with Aini and Airi)! But I haven't met up with any of 'em. — Of course there is Aino Wuolle, the author of my first and still favorite Finnish-English Dictionary!

As HAL said to Dr. Dave Bowman in Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssy:
"I'm afraid. I'm afraid, Dave. Dave, my mind is going. I can feel it. I can feel it. My mind is going. There is no question about it. I can feel it. I can feel it."
Sigh! :eek:
<hr size="2" width="75%">Tis kinda tricky discerning the gender of Finnish names, especially since the Finnish language has no grammatical gender! Score one for John! :)!
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We had power through out the storm and I believe all of the town of Mohawk did too, but 49950 covers a lot of territory up here. It is the "central" PO for much of Keweenaw County.

I do have a backup power supply.

I'm glad you missed the power outage; I had a hunch it was mostly a Keweenaw "outback" problem. And thanks for braving the storm for some great pictures!
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