Service Indicator


New member
My 2012 Polaris IQ Shift 600 flashes Service whenever I start it. Is this set to go off at a certain mileage? Sled has been running fine despite.
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New member
I am pretty sure that the service indicator is set for hours of usage. The hour intervals can be set to off or can be changed to different time intervals. I don't remember off hand how to set them. I have mine set to off.
I have an '11 shift switchback. It started flashing. Dealer told me it needs to be brought in and have track adjusted, fuel filter changed along with some other stuff. I didn't take it in. Did the work myself. I now have it turned off. I think you gotta hold the green button down till it goes off. Cant remember off hand tho.


New member
Yes, you have to reset this with the buttons on bars. They are setup that way from factory. I don't remember the sequence off hand either, but it was easy I remember
toggle the green buttom until you get to the display for service...then press and hold green - down until it flashes, then toggle until desired hours or OFF then press UP to set.

if you set it to 50 hours you wont see the service reminder until it counts down from 50 to zero.

just turn it off lol....thats what everyone has me do