Shark Tank


New member
What the heck? Those boys would've shot me down so fast on all my money makers and fast. As I laugh my way to the bank. This show is all about the name and not what they can really do for you. It shows money making money at the little guys expense. The TV program should be called beg and we pimp you show.
Who has watched this and what are your thoughts?


Well-known member
Watch it all the time if nothing more to see the new products. You got to have your numbers presented correctly or they will rip you apart just ask Mr The ladies leg purse product will make money but they were flakes didn't listen never talk over a Shark instead get focused & answer the questions. Their presentation was off the wall but good product & they will learn.IMO


New member
We watch it. It's kinda neat when they do "a look back" at previous people from the show, and their success. Some people have hit it big time. But yeah, anyon who goes on without some real numbers and a plan, is gonna get pumbled.....One guy called Mark Cuban "Cubes" one day. Cubes as actually "onboard" with his idea, right up until the "Cubes" comment. LOL... I like the show, it's reality TV, but at least it's real, with real people and ideas.