Shingleton snowmobile accident


Well-known member
that curve as you head west on 8 just after Shingleton is sneaky bad.

Is this a result of the MIDNR eliminating signs a few years ago?

old abe

Well-known member
Seriously though if they eliminated the chevrons it would be a terrible mistake....that is a very bad curve.

Agree snobuilder. And as they were newbe riders??? Skylar is also right on it. Too fast!!! The signage thing has always had good, and bad to it. Such as a sign being there, and then being knocked down somehow. Peace be to all those involved. A bad start to the riding season for sure. Hey, I got that correction in be for you know who caught me!!! HA ha!!!
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New member
Is it just me or are some areas really lacking on signs these last few years we were running from trout lake to Ignace and we were on a dead straight section of trail and I was leading well not to my knowledge they re routed the trail to a 90 degree right turn and there was no berm on the turn yet went right past the turn and almost slammed into a stuck truck in the middle of the old section no sign no caution tape nothing I was fortunate enough that we were go pretty dang slow as we had a new rider with us and he wanted to take things slow other wise in past years we would be doing 45 to 55 in that section. Even a sign nailed to a tree would have been nice something.



Well-known member
Its funny how the sight lines on some sections of trail can be somewhat deceiving. Even though I may have been down them many times they still "get" me grabbing a load of brake handle......That section of tr. 8 is one of those places both coming and going....weird.

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Agree snobuilder. And as they where newbe riders??? Skylar is also right on it. Too fast!!! The signage thing has always had good, and bad to it. Such as a sign being there, and then being knocked down somehow. Peace be to all those involved. A bad start to the riding season for sure.

Yes, that was my 1st thought when I read the story....maybe 2 upping a rental sled.....

old abe

Well-known member
Snobuilder, your quote of mine has my misspelling exposed to the "teacher". So much for my editing my post. O well, I say so what!!!!!!


Well-known member
Just my opinion but better to start a thread Signs Vs No Signs than debate it on this one. God Bless all families involved and and RIP for those that didn't make it.


I agree. There are about 3-4 places in that area that the trail makes a 90 deg turn, yet the fire road, or what ever you are on, shows a clear path straight. I hit one of these after a good 2' dumping a few years back at around 60 mph. My wife was behind me and she said all she saw was a huge snow ball of white 5-6' above my sled. I was able to safely navigate and keep my sled in the open area and not hit any trees. Went back to see if I missed a sign and nothing there.

Its funny how the sight lines on some sections of trail can be somewhat deceiving. Even though I may have been down them many times they still "get" me grabbing a load of brake handle......That section of tr. 8 is one of those places both coming and going....weird.

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Yes, that was my 1st thought when I read the story....maybe 2 upping a rental sled.....
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I was going north on Trail 1 (northern Vilas), just crossing into MI from WI, having left Presque Isle Yacht Club at 11 AM with a beer in me, (thirsty) and hit a section where trail made a 90 degree turn.
I was going at least 60 on a Pol 600 XLT.
I completely missed the turn and went up about a 12 foot bank. The sled went up to the top of the berm where I stopped it, came back down about 2 feet, and stuck the backs of the ski's into the bank.
I'm hanging on this berm shaking like a leaf. This was mid 90's when we had that ridiculous amount of snow and there were huge banks everywhere.
I never had another beer while riding again.


Daytime hours and no booze involved. Not your normal sled accident. Guessing inexperience. Especially if they both crashed. Usually if my leader screws up I don't follow him. Still sad.


Active member
… I'm hanging on this berm shaking like a leaf. This was mid 90's when we had that ridiculous amount of snow and there were huge banks everywhere.
I never had another beer while riding again.
"Any landing you walk away from is a good landing."
"Eight hours from bottle to throttle, although many airlines have a more stringent 12 hour time limit. Most pilots do not know of the 0.04% FAR, which prohibits flying an aircraft with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.04% or higher."


Active member
We just signed this fall in that area. Sign inspections (standard after accidents) were performed by the DNR.
They crashed right next to the dang arrow.....

If you are heading towards the East on 8 on the grade there is a curve to the south off of the grade just after retention ponds.
That was the corner but they were coming form Singleton heading West.

Very sad. Never like to see or hear about these crashes.


Active member
Mr. Frank, I was a relative youngster then, and just back into the sport. Who'd know a single (large) tapper could mess up your judgement.
There isn't a chance in hail I'll be drinking any alcohol, driving a Cirrus within 12 hours.
I'm sure you know I was kidding with that second one, Mark. ("The devil made me do it!" :devilish:)
As to the Cirrus, I don't doubt that for a minute!