Signatures and Avatars???


New member
Is there a reason the uploading pictures to our signature line and the avatar options are diabled? Is it something that will come in time or do you just not want that kind of stuff being done on your site?
Thanks, Mike


Staff member
I just do not like the signature files and especially the avatars. Some are neat the first dozen times you see them, then it gets real old real fast. Enough going on inside the board that I felt we really did not need all the noise created by those two features.

You can have them in your profile for when someone checks it out, but it just will not be displayed on the board.

We are also working on the image size, but I do not want to go larger than 640x480 or perhaps 800x600 or else it will not fit in the space the board runs in.



Active member
I just do not like the signature files and especially the avatars. Some are neat the first dozen times you see them, then it gets real old real fast. Enough going on inside the board that I felt we really did not need all the noise created by those two features.

Thank you!
IMHO: all they add to the forum is clutter. :)