Simmons skis..



I see you got simmons skis on ur M8. i was woundering if you had a tough time dialing the shocks & ski pressure in to get it to stear easy? and if you dont mind telling me what kind of PSI are in the front & in the rear shocks..


To tell you honest truth, most of my riding on that sled this year has been in powder, so I have used the skis for turning very rarely so far. I have noticed that on the already tracked up stuff it seems a little harder to stear, but then on the trail is is fine, so I have not messed with the shock settings at all.

The PSI settings would be what ever they were at setup. I suppose I should really check to make sure that they are still at that level, but I guess I have not noticed a change in the performance of the sled, so have not checked them.

Sorry I could not be of more help!
