Simply amazing!

I go to this site from time to time and read the Snowpack Summaries for the area. Read the Apr 15 to Apr 21 summary.
Most notably see the info/pictures on the Rendezvous Bowl Snow Study Plot at the Jackson Hole Mountain Resort midway through the article. These snow depths never have been witnessed! :cool:
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Well-known member
Holy Thermal underwear Batman, :rolleyes:thats an amazing amount of snowfall!! :D Almost 14' of snow on the ground, can you say, sledding into July? :cool: They have been in the perfect flow of continuous snow all season long. :mad:I am extremely jealous. Thanks for sharing the link.-Mezz
Apr 22 to Apr 28

"Previously it snowed for 40 days and 40 nights (March 14 through April 21). During this seige the Rendezvous Bowl Snow Study Plot at the Jackson Hole Mountain Resort received 216 inches (18 feet) of new snow with 21.5 inches of moisture. At the beginning of this week snow depths were deeper than any other recorded day in the past 45 seasons."

:cool: EPIC!