
New member
Hello John,
A few days ago there was mention about ads on the site and so-forth. A company would not want to advertize unless there were alot of visitors. Thus the question...When you say your site gets X number of hits per day, does that mean from different people? in other words,I visit the site several times a day. Is each one of those a hit or can you count the number of individual people that visit? In other words 3 people can put alot of hits on if they all visit the site several times per day.
Thanks and Merry Christmas!!!


New member
I get an average of 1.5 million hits a day. A hit is counted as any file that is downloaded, like a webpage a graphic or other element inside the page. A single page may generate as many as a few dozen hits depending on how may elements like images, buttons, etc, there might be within that single page.

Most advertisers are interested in page views and unique visitors. My average page views are around 300,000 to 400,000 a day and my average unique visitors are between 35,000 and 40,000 a day. Pretty good when you consider the average snomobile magazine has around 20,000 paid subscriptions or less.



New member
John that is some awsome info. on how many people visit your sight. I know that I visit everyday at least once, and tell everyone about this sight that loves the snow. Have a happy holiday!!!


I also visit this site many times a day. The only times that I miss checking is when I am out sleddin!!