purchasing an 24' enclosed trailer and one of my sleds has 200+ carbide studs and aggressive carbide dually wear bars and i have done some damage to my existing 2 place enclosed trailer floor even with ski guides and I think what the issue is 2 things, the amount of carbide on runners digs into guides and the fact of how my clutch engagement is on my 1000 more times than not I spin the track when trying to back out of trailer, even with 200+ studs in track {running 4 studs per bar). I tried putting track cleats using solid neopreme material bars and fastening to trailer bed but just ripped them out of floor. so my thought was to reduce the friction from carbide runners was to invest in ski boots, and hopefully someone had a recommendation of which ones were a good bet, easy to get on of off, actually stay on or if someone had a different idea. Hauling 3 sleds would make installing ski guides almost impossible, not to mention expensive. just looking for any input. Thanks