Ski Doo 07 800 XRS


New member
Need a little help with the speedo / message center codes. Last night both h-beams went out simultanously, no biggie , must be switch or bulb issue but I'm doubtful about the bulbs. Too unusual for both to go out at the same time. L-Beams still work, hand warmers work, I did hear that when the H-warmers go out it causes some strange electrical issues ?
Never the less , I went to pull it in the cave, and right at start up it flashed the 10-9 code. Does anyone have any scoop on this ? Any Help or advise is appreciated.


Well-known member
10-9 has nothing to do with the headlights. It has something to do with the programing the spedo for the sides of drivers you have in the track. It's letting you know how it's set-up. Every skidoo rev does that all the time.


New member
Thanks. The H-beam switch wire's soldered connection popped out of the bakelite board on the back . I soldered it back in and then ran across a guy that had his low beam wire pop out. Kind of thinking I might take it back off and RTV the soldered joints as an added protection from vibration.