Ski Doo 600 Carb oil requirement

OK, I have a 2010 Grand Touring Sport and a 2014 MXZ Sport both with the 600 Carb motor. The recommended oil with the Grand Touring is mineral oil while the MXZ calls for semi-synthetic. To my knowledge, the motor is exactly the same. Why would they call for different oils? Dont really want to mess with 2 different oils. Can I start running the Touring on the semi synthetic or is there an issue mixing oil types? Also, I noticed the MXZ calls for permium fuel if there is ethanol and the Touring calls for regular and no change for ethanol fuel. I always try to get non-ethanol regular but makes me wonder whay this is different as well.




Well-known member
I can't speak for why they call for different oils, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't do any harm if you just put semi-syn in both of them. As for the fuel requirements.....they did the same thing with the 1200's. 2009 - 2012 called for 87 octane, starting in 2013 (my year) they said 87 octane if the ethanol content is less than 10%, 91 if greater. One of those great mysteries that nobody (other than maybe the BRP engineers, and they didn't explain it) has an answer for. There are plenty of guys on DooTalk who have disregarded it and are running 87 octane regardless of ethanol content. Will it cause harm? Who knows? For my part, I try to follow the manual and stick to 91, but I've been known to dump 87 in it if I'm pinching pennies or if I'm at a station where it appears that high octane is not likely a big seller (or if it's unavailable).


New member
It is 100% ok to run the same oil in both machines. Use the semi-synthetic.
As far as fuel requirments for the same size engine being different. Sometimes the timing curve is different, in which case the engine with the most advanced timing will need the higher octane to prevent pre-ignition/detonation, often refered to as pinging. Do some research on the engine specs and see if the timing is the same or not. If it is the same you can run the 87 unless the ethanol content is greater than 10%.