Ski-Doo touring sled rear hand warmer problems


New member
I've got 2 2005 Ski-Doo GTX Limited (top of the line touring sleds), both of which have had malfunctioning rear passenger hand warmers since I got them new. During the entire time the sleds were under warranty I never had a passenger on either of them. The first time I did, both sleds rear hand warmers were non-functional (they have High, Low, Off positions). I contacted my selling dealer, who advised that I contact BRP. I did, and the CSR with the French accent was less than helpful, telling me to take them to the dealer to have them repaired. When I tried to explain to him the circumstances, he said "what do you expect me to do sir?" in such a way that I knew I was just being blown off.

I eventually did take them to the dealer, who was unable to repair them, and couldn't figure out why. And of course I was charged for the time.

My question is put to anyone else who's had this problem, and if you have, how did you resolve it?

These sleds are now used for friends who visit who don't have their own, and frequently we want to use them for what they're intended to be used for: 2 up trail riding. But we can't as the rear passengers hands freeze on one side, and overheat on the other (it's almost like the heat from both sides ends up on one side, and it's too hot, and doesn't seem to be able to be modified).

I appreciate any help I can get.................I'm not mechanically inclined so will need to have this done for me.


New member
Both drivers and passenger heated grips work off the voltage regulated side of the electrical system. It's been a while since I have played with them but I believe the BRP color code for hand warmers is a variation on Orange w/ brown, purple and some other colors as tracers. They all start from the power source (dash switch). If your handle bar heaters are working you have power "ready to be delivered" from the switch. You may have cut/pinched/loose wire going back to the passenger bars. You may also have burnt out elements on the bars themselves. I can tell you that the BRP "High" setting can and will burn themsleves out if left on long enough. Start with check power at your switch (simple voltage meter or test light) Then following the wires from under the cluster all the way back to the back seat. If you are getting volatge back to both sides you have element issues. If you are just getting power to one side you probably have a couple wires pinched toghether. I hope this helps but please remember that advice is only worth what you pay for it!!!!

I hate wiring and electrical issues!


New member
Doo Dr.-

Appreciate your prompt and most excellent reply. I've got some friends coming Thursday, one of whom owns a car stereo installation business, and should be able to weild some magic for me I hope.

Both sleds front hand warmers work wonderfully, so I'm encourages that this might not be as big a deal as I thought.


New member
I wish you the best of luck. I hate electrical issues. My son and I built a 380cc Renegade this year as a step up from his 120. We made it from different year parts (motor,tunnel, track, skid, chaincase, handlebars,etc..) and the biggest pain was getting the electical issues resolved. It was really just matching what goes where but we had loose connectors and other things that were trivial and it took as much time as building the entire sled. I was very proud of my son to stick with me and help fix the wiring becasue without him I'd been in the house with a cocktail in hand (giving up!!!)


New member
I have the 2005 GTX Sport 600 SDI with the same problem. I checked the switch and the power and have power to the grips with the switch on high and low. Must be the element. Had the elements replaced at the dealer last year, paid for that, and they don't work already. Same issue. There were two different connections when I take off the back seat and both have power. Wish I knew the issue.


New member
hook a test ground wire from negative side of element and try it. grounds a big problem and cause high resistance and burn out more elements


New member

Have the same problem with our exact sled. Had the handwarmers replaced on my other rev- front hand warmers. The guy told me theres no fix to the solution except to replace them. Meaning it will happen again.