skidoo-- brake light on and recoil?


New member
Took the sled out on saturday and had a few problems. When I turned it off and tried to pull start it the rope would pull out with no tension on it. Nothing. After the sled cooled off the pull start was fine. It was like the coil wasn't catching. Also the brake light stays on put the brake is free and not hanging up. Was wondering if the two are related or just two problems at once. It is a 06 skidoo rev-- 600 sdi. Thanks for any help.


Active member
Sounds like 2 totally unrelated problems. The recoil may be starting to act up and in need of an overhaul and clean up. I dont think letting the sled cool down was the fix unless the heat was causing the recoil to seize up but its possible. Next time that happens try to give the rope a series of quick short pulls to engage the motor, if it finally catches than the recoil mechanism needs attention.
The brake light staying on sounds like the brake switch on the handlebars is sticking or bad or the wire to the tail light is shorted to the running light circuit. Change the bulb first as they can short together inside the bulb also