skidoo linQ 1+1 seat kit

Friend of mine has two skidoo e-tech short track machines 121" and we are trying to figure out if the skidoo linQ 1+1 seat will work on these sleds. Does anyone have any experience with them? I was thinking they only would work on the renegade 137" tracks. I could be wrong


Well-known member
They fit all xm xs and ap chassis sleds. I have 2 of them. If you have any other questions including install feel free to message me.


As the others have stated yes they will fit, I have an MXZ Ace 121" with one. The newer LinQ seat and backrest is much better than the old 1+1 seat my other doo had. The MXZ actually has 2 seats (single and longer 2 person) that swap on/off in seconds. Way easier to put on/take off the LinQ backrest and handles are better for the passenger. Great add.