sled cover problems!


I have a total cover that also covers the skis.The problem is every time i haul my sled i cant get the cover tight enough so it doesnt flap in the wind.It is starting to leave marks on my hood.Does anyone have any ideas i can try? Put a long bungee over the hood? Put a towel under the cover and on top of the hood?

Thanks for the help.


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Staff member
Is it a Brand-specific cover, they usually fit the best or a generic cover made for all sleds? All covers have some movement when trailering but if it's leaving marks, that's pretty bad. I would do the towel and bungee thing first and also check the obvious. Are you sure it's attached as it's designed? I've had two or three designs over the years and they all attached differently. I currently have the BRP Cover with the X Pattern for the straps underneath. If it all checks out, it may be something you have to live with or replace it with something else.

Should also mention that BRP no longer sells the cover that you describe, they did up until this year so maybe there is an issue as you describe with the design of that cover. Good luck!


You can try a clean, soft towel or blanket under the cover, and use one or more bungie cords to secure the cover to keep it from flapping in the wind.

If only an enclosed trailer were one of your options.


New member
I have heard of a cover that just fits over the hood, under your cover. It is soft and made not to scuff your sled. Do a search on the net. You should find something that will work.


New member
I think they r called undercovers that polaris4me was talking about...i have seen them in shadetree catalogs before.....i used to use an old blanket...worked great when i had to use it.


New member
If your looking to go the cheap route, try an old matress cover sheet. The elastic helps keeping it in place when going over the front bumper and over the handlebars.


New member
I used a micro fleece throw blanket to cover the hood before i put the cover on, then put bunge's on the cover to the sled. The blankets are soft and cheap enough to cut to size (2 sleds out of one blanket)


New member
I used a micro fleece throw blanket to cover the hood before i put the cover on, then put bunge's on the cover to the sled. The blankets are soft and cheap enough to cut to size (2 sleds out of one blanket)

I also use tennis balls on the stearing to prevent the holes starting