Sled rebuild guides?


New member
Anyone know a good arcticle or website to help guide you on all the things to do to refurbish a sled with high miles. Looking for a checklist that covers a sled top to bottom.


You could just use the owner's manual. They always have the checklists of the things that should be maintained and changed across time...


New member
Motor wise while I have it split in two I want to avoid missing something silly. X'2 on the owners guide. I also should check my shop manual for a checklist. Thanks


New member

Seeing how you are in the profession you are it surpirises me that I have to explain it to you but I will.

Here goes:

1. wash it and wax it
2. armor-all the non painted plastic and seat
3. put it out front for sale or take it to the dealer and trade it in.
4. take the cash that you received from step 3 and go out and buy one of the new sleds you have been bending my ear about for the past year.

Now you can spend all that extra time you saved from the rebuild on the old one and sit on the new one in the garage and make motor noises.
