Snow depth


New member

Hey JD. Just curious as to what factors are causing the snow depth to vary so much in Ironwood compared to your location and much of Keweenaw county? Season snowfall thus far for these locations are very close(within a couple inches or so), but current snow depth is not. IWD is at 14", compared to your 23". Thank you.


Staff member
Not really sure other than much of what they have received so far this winter has been LES fluff, which really settles.

It could be the spot where they are measuring too. I do not measure where my snow station is because the trees behind the station block some of the snow and the septic field is also near by and the ground never freezes there (go figure), so the snow depth on and around the septic field is always lower too.

I know that the values for Ironwood are always lower than the surrounding reports. Upson not far away is always several inches higher and I have seen it as much as 10-12" higher than IWD.

Sorry I could not give you a for sure answer, but I would have to visit the spot where the depth is measured and then I could probably decipher what is up.
