

Snow in the U.P. in May!!!! How do you explain that Global Warming People....

I'm not a "global warming people", but the explanation is quite simple, actually. Total area of the earth is 510,072,000 km2
Total area of the UP is 42,610 km2
Therefore, the UP represents .00835% of the earth's surface.

The overall impact of 1 day in 8 /1000th of the earth's surface on long term temperature trends is absolutely inconsequential.

BTW, the global warming discussion is not THAT the earth is warming, it is. That's why the ice caps are melting. The global discussion is WHY the earth is warming.
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New member
There are alot of people that say globle warming. The issue is climate change. I quess a few years back when the big lake was down 2 plus feet people had a feeling that it could be real. Then the lake filled back up and the snow fell and the temps went down a little in the UP and then it wasen't happening any more. The earth goes though many changes. We are just blessed to see them. Some bozzo just put a name to it and made a lot of money and got everyone talking about what is normal. Mother earth will be here long after man has fanished. Is man having an effect on earth? more then likely, who are we to say. We have only been here a half of a blink in history.