Snowfall facts and profile info...


New member
Hi John, i know i have asked this in the past but i have had difficulty finding yearly snowfall totals for areas of the U.P. such as Ironwood, Calumet and Copper Harbor. ...Also my profile shows i'am a rookie here on JD (joined dec.3 2009?), i have been a member since around 2001 or 2002. Did this happen when the site changed?


Staff member

Snowfall totals are pretty hard to come by. The first problem is finding someone to take and record accurate measurements for the locations up here. Secondly is the data that does get collected seems to disappear within the NWS somewhere and is not readily available. You can always check my historical data page for the data at my location as well as up in Delaware.

As for your profile. When we made the switch to the new board last season, the number of posts for the profiles from the old board were not able to be carried over in all cases, so many persons had to start their post counts all over.
