snowiest of the U.P.


New member
Good morning John,
I have a friend who insists Mass City to Twin Lakes gets more snow than anywhere else in the UP. Is this true and if not, what is the snowiest area in the UP?
Thanks John
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Super Moderator
Staff member
I agree that the Twin lakes area gets its fair share of a lot of snow, but I would think that the top of Phoenix Farm Road in the Keweenaw probably gets the most. Of course, the Huron mountain area gets a lot also. So, basically, I don't know. LOL.


Staff member
It will vary from year to year and there can be a several year stretch where a particular location like Mass City to Twin Lakes sees the most. Such was the case from around 2001 to 2003 and I know a lot of folks that base their conclusions on the snow in that time frame.

However, looking at the 30 year data from the NWS (which I find the most reliable) the totals for Delaware in Keweenaw County rank the highest. This is interesting as those measurements only get taken once a day, so the actual totals for that station are probably at least 10-20% higher. The other thing is that Delaware is not even the "ground-zero" for snow in Keweenaw County. I know spots in the highest of terrain that get even more, but measurements are not taken at those spots.

No question the Mass City to Twin Lakes area gets a ton of snow and in some years they will challenge or even take the prize for most snow, but over the long haul it is Delaware in Keweenaw County.

Honorable mentions also need to go out to the Kingston Plains between Grand Marais and Munising and as Skylar mentioned the Huron Mountains.




I think we can measure how deep our trenches are up in the high country!!! I can't figure out when I get stuck up there if I get winded because of the altitude or I'm outta shape!!


Deleted member 10829

Made me laugh

It's not often I laugh out loud alone, but Skylar, your post cracked me up, especially that last line!! :) :)