Snowing In Phelps!


Well-known member
Coming down pretty good now. 1st real snow this season. Will turn on lights throw a log on the fire & watch things turn white.:)

Team Elkhorn

Coming down pretty good now. 1st real snow this season. Will turn on lights throw a log on the fire & watch things turn white.:)

Lol, I do the same thing. When we first moved into our new home, one of our neighbors asked why I was installing a spotlight in the front and back of my house, for security? "This is a nice neighborhood", he said. I told him no, "so I could watch it snow"! "Oh thats right, he said, your a snowmobiler". :D


Active member
pics are always good! it was above 70 here today so snow wasn't even on my wishful thinking list. still enjoying the fall. Don't wanna jinx it by thinking snow TOO soon?! :eek:


Well-known member
Knocked out satellites just after I posted. Huge flakes for awhile about an inch long like white feathers. Grass still covered but back to green soon.


Well-known member
No that is a Spring thing after during the mud thaw when it sucks up here can't do anything April thru late May. This place is deserted then everybody goes south including biz people just a useless tweener time up north.


Pete, any update on any new ISP coming to Phelps? I still have the ole dial up, so when the power goes out, i need to drive up to reset the phelps cam.


Well-known member
Pete, any update on any new ISP coming to Phelps? I still have the ole dial up, so when the power goes out, i need to drive up to reset the phelps cam.

No Bob still only Hughes or Wild Blue. I heard Wild Blue is not taking many new customers something to do with density sucking speeds down. I would luv to dump WB so let me now if you find something better.Sonic was a bust for both of us. I have no problem helping you out with cam so let me know what you need? Forecasting big wind Saturday & Sunday as time is right for storms of November up here & you know what that means! Chain saw good to go.


New member
I remember them running new fiber optic cables along Hwy 17 a few years back. I thought for sure we would at least get turned on with a simple DSL offering by now? C'mon Verizon (now Frontier) !!!!!!


Well-known member
Verizon could not wait to dump us on Frontier & Frontier has zip money selling bonds at 6+%. I won't touch them cause Frontier is a bad company. We are stuck with WB & Hughes unless something dramatic happens.:( Sonic ok but limited service area.


Yep, heard the commercials for Frontier, called them, asked when is Fiber coming to Phelps, she paused, said call back in a year.
That being said my cell contract is up, im thinking verison cell (illinois) because you can use your droid as a wifi hot spot. But b4 i make that jump the kid said the tower at St louis & Deerskin is Verison compatable, so im going to use his phone one weekend when were up to see if it works. A neighbor (phelps) is also one of my customers back home, they have Sprint. Works great during the day. But the signal disappears at night. I wish some cell company would make an offer to the girls camp to install a tower. My problems would be over.


Well-known member
Verizon on St Louis tower drops off at Big Frank Road for me. Works at top of my driveway but not at bottom where house is also works in middle of the lake. People at NSC have to go to road hilltop to make Almost hit a couple of them with truck get the heck out of middle of road on blind curve..... dummies. I do get a very strong signal in town so might work for you.