Snowmobile Club--Insurance needed?


New member
Does a Snowmobile club need insurance?

Does a Snowmovile club need Director and Officer insurance?

Lets here what everyone has to say.


New member
Being a former trail boss and V.P. I was involved with a club in northern Il. for over 30 years. The club and the county association had to have insurance. Every club member also had to have insurance. Most of trails were through private landowners,mainly farms. They wanted that security. Lots of work.Thats why I believe everyone should be in a club and see all the work that goes into getting a trail system set up. I unfortunately sold the sleds last year ...I miss it, but not the hassels that went with straighting things out when the goofs would ride were they weren't suppose to. We also were set up has a non-profit organization.The club I belonged to was the Richmond Trailblazers out of Richmond Illionois. You can google it, and check out the web site. Hope this helps and good luck, think snow!!!


Does a Snowmobile club need insurance?

Does a Snowmovile club need Director and Officer insurance?

Lets here what everyone has to say.

need more info from you first, are we talking a club with trails open to the public or a club that just gets together to B.S. and organise events for members?


Well-known member
The club that I belong to operates in two different states, ND and MN, and we have trails in both. We have insurance on our groomer, and we have trail insurance in MN, the state association in ND carries the trail insurance, and we also have a club policy that covers things like club rides, meetings, our warming shelter, etc. I would rather be overinsured than underinsured these days.



It looks like your from MN. I have been the trail Coordinator for our club the last 10 years. In MN you must go thru some short of local, state or county government to collect funds from the DNR for Grant and Aid trail reimbursements.

All of the governmental agencies and the DNR require the clubs to have at least $750.000 of liability insurance. Some of the local governmental agencies may require more.

This insurance would only be required for clubs that have trails.

If you have private trails or non DNR sponsored trails, I would guess the insurance coverage would be up to you.

If you have enough insurance, your club officers should not need any supplemental insurance.

Hope this helps you, I do not know what the insurance coverage that are required in other states


New member

We do not have any trails, but we do assist with maintaining trails (marking, clearing brush....) for other clubs. we have members of our club that organize rides for other club members (not unlike someone getting together with other friends and going on a ride).

The burning question I have is, if one one of these rides, or trail marking(s) if something to happen, could the club and/or directors(officers) be sued?

It seems as if everyone is sue happy these days, so I guess I probably answered my own question, that we should probably have insurance.