Snowmobile in Door County


Active member
I wish I had better info on the source, but a few years ago I called up to Door County to ask about trails and conditions. It was a resort from an old trail map that I had. The guy on the phone told me that most of the trails were closing down and dead ending and the system was in bad shape. He really made things sound bad, and I actually believed him, so I avoided the Door. A few years later, I looked into it again and found that the trails in Door are doing just fine and the only issues are typical snow related. I wish I could remember who I called but I always wonder what his problem was.

I don't know if trails go into Sturgeon Bay, but Cherryland Motel is clean and convenient.


Has anyone ever snowmobiled in Door county? Places to stay that are not to expensive.


Go up to the upper right of this board and you will find the advanced search and type in Door County by magnify glass. There was some threads from last year related to this if you dig. We day drop at Log Den parking lot. It's nice up there when we have snow.


New member
Great place to take the kids or wife as the crazies stay away. Fun riding through Peninsula State Park roads slowly. Snow comes late in season, but stays late. We used to go mid February. Smiles not miles.


my parents have a cabin up there about 1/2 mile away from the trail south of baileys harbor... they have been bad (snow accum wise) the last couple of years from when i was kid.

Places to stay:
Sturgeon bay the trail runs to the east of the city - south over the east big bridge then ducks back and heads to algoma (again referencing 5-6 years ago the last I rode them).
There are some hotels up in sturgeon bay you could probably find pretty cheap in winter - days inn, comfort suits, laquinta etc and then park and drop someplace (gas station/culvers north of S.Bay we have dropped at plenty of times)

Baileys harbor the trails runs right through town pretty much. No big name hotels but if you found a year round cabin or something to rent? Law enforcement is pretty laid back and let you ditch bang, put put around (again what i have experienced).

The rushes is right near the trail.

Fish creek trail runs north of town by the park as someone said. If you stay in town that one I would recommend trailering to the gas station (BP) and drop there.

Sister bay- i honestly cant remember where it goes by SB... been too long.

Egg Harbor - like sister bay cant remember.

Mikes Port Pub in jacksonport the trail runs right to the bar next door where you stay so you could easy drop and go if your not looking to trailer.