Snowmobile radar run

Can anyone give me information on how much it would cost and were you go to get
insurance for a snowmobile radar run it would be a one time event.
Want too get a radar run started for my club but the cost of insurance my shut me down.
This would be on a public lake but i have to have liability too cover my butt.
I'm trying too look for ways to generate money for my snowmobile club.
Any positive ifo would be appreciate.



New member
What type of place are you thinking of having the event held at, a bar/marina on the lake? If so check with the owner they may have the coverage on their policy or you may be able to get a rider policy on theirs for just that event. What does the clubs policy if they have one cover for club trips? this may cover or at least help cover an event as well.
It will be on a lake, by a bar/restaurant.
The reason for haveing it there was for food and restrooms,
that is one less thing that would have too be provided.
Do not know if we can get a ridder on are insurance,
which we have for our club and groomer.
As far as the bar don't want too go there because alcohol and
speed does not go well with insurance.
This event was to promote are club and generate
income for us.


New member
I understand but if the bar is in any way sponsering or has its name involved that changes things. I would at least look into those avenues or place a call to the clubs ins. company to ask.

Good Luck


Our radar runs were 660' one year and 1000' the next. Since more speed was generated w/ the 1000' runs there were different regulations mandated by the insurance. Longer shut down area and further set backs for spectators. I was not involved in setting them up but do work at the event. It is sponsored by the St. Germain Chamber of Commerence. If you contact them they should be able to help.
Loren Anderson President


In MN you will need a permit from the local county $25.00 and up, you should notify the DNR. Insurance runs betweem $600.00 to $1000.00 You need an EMT on hand, around $300.00. Trophies, if you cover most classes run around $1,400.00. Radars suck, timing lights are the best, if you buy a good set they run about $3,000.00 plus. You should also hire someone to shave the track. That would be $200.00 to $500.00. To run things right, look for about 15 people to help. Additional stuff advertising, fencing, tickets, 2 way radios, cash for top speeds. Good luck it's a lot of work


Do an ice fishing tournament and have a tent with food, spin the wheel raffles for booze or slab of bacon.