Snowmobile show in MIlwaukee?


John, are you planning on going to the snowmobile show in Milwaukee this year?
Also, any time frame on your forecast for this Winter?



Staff member
I will be attending the Milwaukee Snowmobile show, but as a patron, not at any booth. Togwotee decided to forgo the Milwaukee show for this year.

I am hoping to get my seasonal outlook out by the end of next week or early the following week.



Great, I will be there Saturday, I'll keep an eye out and maybe run into you.

Looking forward to your outlook. If my memory serves me right, your basic outlook for last Winter was decent precipitation early on, but then it would slow down a bit. The bitter cold that basically froze Superior and shut down the LES pretty much followed your prediction to a T! Is my memory accurate, or am I giving you too much credit:)