got this in my email today,
Attention: ALL SNOWMOBILERS – There is no Center Line, The Right Side inMine.Please help SnowTrails TV send this notice viral. Email it everyone thatlikes snowmobiling.Tell your friends and neighbors that SnowTrails TV will be nationallybroadcasting on the VERSUS /NBC Sports network for 13 weeks. WHEN: Starting Mondays September 26, 2011- 11:30AM EASTERN TIME MONDAYS. WHERE: ALL CABLE TV and DISH NETWORKS across the countryVERSUS HD Channel. Go to <> for specificprogram informationContact: Video Mike Grant
Attention: ALL SNOWMOBILERS – There is no Center Line, The Right Side inMine.Please help SnowTrails TV send this notice viral. Email it everyone thatlikes snowmobiling.Tell your friends and neighbors that SnowTrails TV will be nationallybroadcasting on the VERSUS /NBC Sports network for 13 weeks. WHEN: Starting Mondays September 26, 2011- 11:30AM EASTERN TIME MONDAYS. WHERE: ALL CABLE TV and DISH NETWORKS across the countryVERSUS HD Channel. Go to <> for specificprogram informationContact: Video Mike Grant