Solar Minimum


New member
Hi John,

I have been reading that the suns activity is going in to a low activity level on its approximate 11 year cycle. Some articles I have read say that it could lead to much colder winters and other articles say not so much. Just curious if you have looked in to this and if so what is your take? Thanks

Carl I


Staff member
Hi Carl.

I have not looked deeply into this, but to the best of my understanding, there has never been a direct scientific relationship between solar cycles and our planets weather. Most of the energy fluctuations are at levels that do not have much of an impact on our atmosphere, or at least the lowest level, the troposphere, where our weather happens.



not to hijack......but it does affect weather on earth.....this is a small section....Does the number of sunspots have any effect on the climate here on Earth? but more info can be found at

These "cosmic rays" (CRs) cause ionization of molecules in the atmosphere, and thereby can cause clouds to form (because the ionized molecules or dust particle can act as "seeds" for drop formation).

If clouds are formed very high in the atmosphere, the net result is a heating of the Earth - it acts as a "blanket" that keeps warmth in. If clouds are formed lower down in the atmosphere, they reflect sunlight better than they keep heat inside, so the net result is cooling.


Active member
I believe this does impact. Look at 11 years ago. Tons of snow here in Munising area. Now this winter.... HAve not matched up the snow totals going back every 11 years looking at solar minimum but I would be willing to bet you see more snow those years.