Something to laugh about.....Unless you live here!


New member
And they wonder why so many American citizens think politicians are crooked or corrupt.....Duh! Makes ya wonder just how many have secrets......What a blackeye for the state of the flatlander!!! Pardon the never ending joke, but these clowns are true FIB's


New member
makes me sick to live in this state! look at where they are from and who voted them in, just saying. these people scream racist any time they can, but refuse to vote anyone else in..


New member
Term limits and equally funded public campaign funds would go along way towards fixing IL and the nation.


New member
Term limits and equally funded public campaign funds would go along way towards fixing IL and the nation.

Agree with the term limits but equally funded campaigns isn't going to change a thing. It doesn't matter how much money the campaigns spend, it comes down to the (mostly) idiots casting the votes. If people would do a little research and think for themselves and didn't just base their vote on tv commercials, this nation would be much better off. It would be interesting though, to see a candidate sue their opponent for slander or defamation because of a negative ad against them or a law banning negative ads...


New member
Our forefathers had a reason for setting up a minimum requirement for the ability to vote!
You had to have a stake in the country to have a vote! Then you just might give your vote some thought.


Active member
It is amazing how the lawmakers or regulators either forget or don't understand the laws they create or enforce. But for a citizen who's not in polilitics, ignorance of the law is not an acceptable excuse. I guess that excuse is only saved for the politicians and bureaucrats. (The true 1%'rs.)


New member
google top 10 states people are fleeing Illinois is like number one or two. Glad i got out of there big time. I couldnt take it anymore.


Active member
I escaped in 2006. Best thing I ever did. Still get to work for a company there, remotely for the most part. I really wish people would get a clue when voting. I feel its going to get worse. Society continues to devolve.

Ever see the movie Idiocracy

This could be the future.