Sorry John, it's still gas..


New member
After reading your journal I hate to burst your bubble but it is still gas she has got!! (ha ha) You just thought she was smilein'. On a second note I was hopeing that the leaves would wait till the second weekend in Oct. The wife and I are plannin on makin a long weekend out of Hastings and takin the kids up to the "up" to see the leaves. Not sure what all else we are gunna do but at least see that.


Since when did having gas (not passing it) make you smile?


I'm wondering where the question was in that post?

And it is real smiles, she is doing it a lot now.



New member
I believe that in the first few weeks, smiles may be attributed to something other than pleasure. But within a month or 6 weeks, baby learns WHO has her/him, likes to be talked to, and definitely expresses satisfaction in smiling.

Kids move at record pace along these lines and in only a few days they progress noticeably thru the only "me" phase and move to "oh, look there are others around me interacting with me" phase.
They notice mobiles, and ceiling fans and their world is coming alive.

Take lots of movies John and a wink this will all move away at light speed...tho it may very well not seem like it at midnight and the baby doesn't want to stop crying.