Special thanks to Chad at M&M Bridge Stuck


I was a B.V. (bridge victim)today. Stuck out of the Keweenaw for a few hours. The bugger got stuck up for about 4 hours. He almost hooked me up with a pass back to God's country then it unstuck itself or whatever.

Anyway next time you talk to Chad give him an atta boy for helping out..

Thanks again,

m8man "the m8 came from M&M Powersports"


New member
I'm surprised there are no pics of this incident! :)

Glad to here everything is ok; I can not count how many times Chad or Dan help me out with something. Not too many shop around with their customer service!



Active member
they had the alert on the radio today like when there's bad weather. When we heard the beep beep beep we thought what the heck bad storms again....and then they said it was the bridge was stuck

Glad you got home and CHEERS to Chad !!!


ya I'm without a cell phone, (I ran it over) and played CD's on the way back from Ontonagon today. I turned on the radio and holy camoly bridge stuck up and me stuck out of the keweenaw.. I thought I was going to have to go to a buddies house or go drink beer somewhere. I guess ya never know what can happen. I was all set to get back to the Keweenaw via the waterway and then catch a ride home but the bridge worked itself out for a while. It was stuck yesterday for about 45 minutes as well. I hope they fix the bugger right because that sucks when we are stuck.



New member
Stack, do not forget KMS.[ I got you rolling after hours years ago] All the Dealers are top notch. And all work together, to get anyone back on the trial, and there is the guy on the hill that has used parts [1/2 way to Lake Linden] His son ran KMS for years but his name escapes me at the moment, Killunen's AC in Lake Linden. And all the locals that will throw your sled in the back of a truck and get you where you need to go. And of course the Krupps, Lori from Wildlife refuge, and her hubby. Ah the UP is the best. Have a great season, They all work hard to make things work, and to all I did not mention. Mike


Well-known member
No Dukes of Hazzard move? I was thinking you could have backed the burb up half a mile and just jumped across. Yeehaw.


No other way across...Wait the sled can skip but my wife would have had to drive it over to me.



New member
Stack, do not forget KMS.[ I got you rolling after hours years ago] All the Dealers are top notch. And all work together, to get anyone back on the trial, and there is the guy on the hill that has used parts [1/2 way to Lake Linden] His son ran KMS for years but his name escapes me at the moment, Killunen's AC in Lake Linden. And all the locals that will throw your sled in the back of a truck and get you where you need to go. And of course the Krupps, Lori from Wildlife refuge, and her hubby. Ah the UP is the best. Have a great season, They all work hard to make things work, and to all I did not mention. Mike

Although a bit off topic I will agree that I had excellent service from KMS back when they were in Calumet selling Arctic Cat still, and yes you guys saved my butt after hours a couple of times!

Lots of great people in the Yoop!!


LOL! Well Chris I'm glad you were able to take your truck home but I was in route to get you. Of course it was pretty hot that day so your wife probably would've been mad when she realized I didn't bring across and opted for a booze cruise! Pretty funny experience all in all. Some people were all upset and ready to petition for a new bridge and others calmly walked to an air conditioned bar(that woulda been me). I started answering the phone "Keweenaw Ferry Services" that day, funny if you work and live on the same side!



Well-known member
M&M came to the rescue of one of our group of 19 a couple years back,.....One of the mechanics worked overtime on a broken sled, even though it was his B-Day and he had plans to go out!....NOT COMMON, folks!


M&M came to the rescue of one of our group of 19 a couple years back,.....One of the mechanics worked overtime on a broken sled, even though it was his B-Day and he had plans to go out!....NOT COMMON, folks!

OH MAN! I remember that night, nothing went right with that sled that night...poor Dan...he's a trooper.

Dan just informed me that the bridge is still not fixed 100% and is closed to boat traffic for the time being. I'll admit when I was second in line at the bridge last night with a fresh Porterhouse on the seat I was a bit nervous I might not get home to grill it...then I realized the DT was right there with a great deck and cold beer so my heart rate slowed back down:)



Well-known member
OH MAN! I remember that night, nothing went right with that sled that night...poor Dan...he's a trooper.

Dan just informed me that the bridge is still not fixed 100% and is closed to boat traffic for the time being. I'll admit when I was second in line at the bridge last night with a fresh Porterhouse on the seat I was a bit nervous I might not get home to grill it...then I realized the DT was right there with a great deck and cold beer so my heart rate slowed back down:)


I would have been nervous too, with a fresh steak waiting on the seat. I'm guessing that you would have found a worthy volunteer to help out with that issue though. They would have probably even offered you a beer while you used their grill.;)

It is awesome to meet the wonderful peeps up there.


New member
Everyone and anyone (that is a local) that I have encountered in the U.P. have been awesome. Either someone in my group or myself have been to M&M, KMS, Dan's polaris, Lake Linden AC, and other stops for service, sales, advice, or direction, and have been treated extremely well. On guy that I was riding with had flown in and his luggage with his gear in it had been lost. I can't remember the dealership but they loaned him boots, bibs, and gloves for free for 3 days. Another time we had a sled break down 65 miles from our trailer. A local guy that over heard us talking said he was going our way and hauled it in his truck for us and wouldn't accept payment. We have had several of these types of experiences and have always been treated beyond nice by dealers and locals in the U.P. Someday hopefully I can move up there and return the favors.