speedo doesn't work


New member
when your speedometer goes out on an arcticcat it means you need to replace the drive shaft bearing. is it the same for 2001 skidoo mxz700? I havn't checked it out yet.


New member
My speedo went out on my 2002 xcsp a few years back. My bearing blew out on me, as well as the needle at the end of the cable that reads the shaft speed had snapped. Either way you will need to tear into that area. Since you are in there, whether the bearing is still good or not, you might as well replace.
The speedo went out on my 2000 MXZ and it was the cable that broke. All I did was replace the cable. Why did the cable break? Didnt really find out but have rode it over 500 miles since.


New member
there are two places on the speedo to connect the cable. one works and one doesn't. had it in the wrong one, bearing looks good though.lol