splitting chain case?


New member
I own a 2002 Polaris RMK 700 136" with 5,550miles. The chaincase leaks pretty badly..ex,last year whenever I'd park it for the night i would place a catch pan under the drain o capture the oil leak. By morning the dipstick would be dry.
Im assuming this is most likely the gasket gone bad..or at least Im hoping that's the culprit? I would like to ask anyone who's changed one of these gaskets before, how do you go about doing this and should I; one who who only has basic mechanical skills, attempt to do it myself?? Thank you,
Mike F.or

Rupp Collector

Active member
Pretty simple fix, as long as the case isn't cracked. My son's Poo was leaking, but we kept an eye on it till we had a opening to get it in our shop to replace the seal. Well apparently the crack opened up on a short ride and toasted the chain and gears. That's when we found out it was a case, not just a seal. Just remove the bolts to open the case and you'll see what's wrong. Pretty straight forward.


Well-known member
Crawl under or lift it up to see just where the oil is coming from. As long as its not coming from under the tunnel on the drive bearing, and the case isn't cracked when you get into it, its probably the seal.

The biggest pain to it will be getting to it. You will need to remove the full exhaust to get at it.

Then if it is just the seal, make sure when you put it back on that it stays in place, or you'll be doing it again. Because its early yet, I'd wait to replace the exhaust to be sure it doesn't leak again.


Well-known member
don't be surprized if the bolt head that holds the large gear is broken off and stuffed through the case

D.B. Cooper

Active member
Chain case leak

don't be surprized if the bolt head that holds the large gear is broken off and stuffed through the case

1) That's possible^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ had one of those happen before on my 2002 EDGE-X 800 when it was one week old. Remove the muffler so you can get a good look at it, shine a light on the exterior of the chain-case and cover, see if any visible signs of destruction.

I doubt it's the seal as it's lowest point is 2 1/2" + above the bottom of the chain-case, and you're saying the dipstick is dry. The hole / leak must then be at or near the bottom of the case somewhere

2) Try the E-Z stuff first, remove the drain plug, it should have a rubber O-Ring on the plug, see if it's torn, or missing?

3) After that, remove the cover, check to see if it's straight / warped /bent / check the gasket FOR RIPS/TEARS, look for cracks in the cover/chain-case housing as mentioned above^^^^^^^.
Generally, the gasket is re-useable many times over as it usually stays stuck to the housing.

Hope this helps
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