SQ footage

I had watched the construction of your house when you built it and I am sure that you may have mentioned it but how many sq ft is you current home and do you feel that it is to big to small or just right; do you wish that you would have changed anything. I really like the layout. By the way you did a great job on.


New member
Where did you find the link for that? I would like to see John's place. I bet it's nice up there. Looked on the "about John" link but did not see anything.


John would periodically take pictures of the construction of his house and post them in his journals. You can see a current view of the outside of his house by going to the A.L. cam link, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the front of the house shot.


New member
John always referred to it as the "cabin".
So my guess is the Main Estate is to follow.

That will be just the servents quarters, That's my guess, have to see what John says..


About 1000-1100 square feet. It is not intended to be our permanent home, we hope to build a log home in a few years right next to it that will be considerably larger and that is why we are calling this "The Cabin". It will serve as a place for family and friends to stay once the log home is built.

Not much I would do differently as we kept this place simple and straight forward.

Both Nora and I love it and if we had to, we could live in it the rest of our lives. Would not be good for a family of 4 or more, but right now it is just Burt, Nora and I and is perfect.

LOVE being in the woods! A dream come true for both of us.


Deleted member 10829


You said "right now it is just Burt, Nora and I..". Are there any plans for an addition to the family that is not a dog? I can see the 120 parked out by the snow station now!