Squealing clutch at idle


New member
I have a Yamaha 2-up which had a belt smoked on the clutch last year, this year it's squaling at idle. What should I use for residue removal of the old rubber? Brake cleaner?

Thanks- Brad


Active member
Remove one washer from each of the small screws on the backside of the secondary there's a total of three... You can do this on the machine without remove'n the secondary...


New member
yup that sounds right !! remove washers on back side of secondarie 3 toatal.. i had the same thing happen after dealer was tinkering under the hood of my old srx . dont loose those washers though as the belt wears you might want to put them back on to get the most life out of your belt.. The bolt holding secondary remove slip clutch off dont loose key on shaft flip clutch on face so back side is facing you there are 3 screws on back side closest to center of clutch --should see washers on them remove them then put back togeather no special tools required ..AS HE SAID ABOVE YOU MIGHT BE ABLE TO DO THIS STILL ON MACHINE --I PERSONALLY REMOVE MINE .
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A little piece of scotchbrite will do just fine to get belt crud off of sheaves.


Well-known member
Clean clutches is a good thing but your deflection is causing squeal. Remove shims & squeal goes away but then you will have to put them back as belt wears. Just part of the game or set for new belt & replace belt when overreving.