st germain trail conditions

alley mechanic

New member
want to go up to st germain in a couple of weeks as of right now has any one been up there and what are the trail conditions like, i know its been not so good this year, thank you in advance for any feed back.

ally mechanik


New member
Rode boulder junction, star lake, sayner...on Thursday and Friday. Trails were excellent..Flat as a pool table.


Well-known member
Radar runs this weekend Saint will be mobbed sleds everywhere. No idea how trails will heal after this event? Neat to attend once by sled but super heavy traffic going in every direction.
You just need to leave a little early and not wait until the end. We did that a couple years ago and no issues after you get a few miles out of town.


New member
Trails in good condition, not enough snow to make big moguls so they stay flat. Lots of traffic so the corners are blown out.looking forward to mid week riding. Friday forecast of 40 degrees and rain won't be good but the trails will survive.


Well-known member
Trails in good condition, not enough snow to make big moguls so they stay flat. Lots of traffic so the corners are blown out.looking forward to mid week riding. Friday forecast of 40 degrees and rain won't be good but the trails will survive.

don't think so...
not enough of a base or snow to survive 2-3 days of 35 -40 degrees and rains.
I was up there riding and they can't afford that,,,need more snow desperately.


Active member
I just came back from the whole area. The trail base is small ice moguls with a thin covering of snow. As always, St. Germain does remarkably well with the little snow they have. Everywhere else around there is pretty much shot. Eagle River is a mess. Down around Rhinelander, things are pretty flat, but not much in the way of pit stops and gas in those parts.


Yeah I was surprised with 500 sleds at the radar run on Lt. Saint on Saturday, the area trails were still pretty good. Normally St. Germain not the best, but it appears they've stepped it up. Conover wasn't bad either on Sunday morning but ER dropped the ball on Saturday afternoon, evening, Sunday A.M.